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About Us

Hi! I'm Karli, and I'm glad you're here.

I'm the owner of KINDred Cycle and founder of Kindred Mothers. I'm also a mom of two amazing kids, but the truth is motherhood didn’t come all that easy to me at first, and it still doesn’t. When my son was born I found myself isolated from my old community of coworkers, friends and far from family.  


Quickly, I discovered a group of women who met weekly at the hospital with a lactation consultant and these moms became my lifeline.  I was lucky.  It wasn’t long after I saw how much I relied on these women I began to dream of this idea behind Kindred Mothers. Well-being isn't just about exercise, it's also about knowing your limits and sharing with others.

Meet The Team


Founder & Instructor Karli Sherman

Founder/Fitness Instructor

Spin helped me see what I was made of and I immediately wanted to be an instructor, to help other women see how strong they were and so much more. They realized  what they were capable of, as women and as mothers.


Spin Instructor Stephanie

Spin Instructor

I love spin because the music motivates you to work hard, but it also makes you forget about how hard you’re working! I want everyone that comes to class to push themselves out of their comfort zone all while feeling that beat and having a great time!


Spin Instructor Devin

Spin Instructor

There is nothing better than losing yourself for 45 minutes in a dark room, with loud music, and no one to judge you. In this space you can be free to find yourself, and THAT is exactly what I want for you.


Spin Instructor Amanda

Spin Instructor

Spin makes me feel, in one word... JOY! I love feeling the beat of loud music in my chest and getting lost in a song. Just moving to music is enough to make me happy. "Music washes away the dust of everyday life."


Spin Instructor Sara

Spin Instructor

It has always been my passion to help others and put a smile on their face! It is my hope that when you take one of my classes you feel empowered, appreciated, and ready to take on whatever is thrown your way. 

Need More Information? We're here! 


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